Pioneer Role Model

After a century of trials and hardships, the Communist Party of China has grown from small to large and from weak to strong. It has grown from more than 50 members when the party was founded to more than 95 million members today. The grassroots party organizations are the foundation of all the party's work and combat effectiveness. It is necessary to integrate the grassroots party building into the central work, give full play to the leading and guaranteeing role of the party building in the central work, and ensure that each party organization plays the role of a fighting fortress, and each party member plays a good role as a vanguard and model. effect.

Strengthen the cohesion of the party organization, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Unity is strength. It is necessary to give full play to the majestic strength of the party members collectively, and constantly lead party members to earnestly perform their duties, set an example, actively learn theoretical knowledge, arm their minds with socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, practice new ideas, adapt to the new era, Demonstrate new actions, firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, continuously improve the sense of responsibility and consciousness for the party's cause, engage in work and study with a rigorous attitude, have the courage to practice, boldly explore, unite and guide the masses of party members to promote the economy Social development.

Strengthen the organizational power of the party organization, and promote the construction of grassroots teams. The power of the party comes from the organization, and the power of the organization comes from the grassroots. It is necessary to keep pace with the times and innovate continuously, strengthen the standardization and standardization of the party organization, and comprehensively improve the organization of the grassroots. Good and strong construction, establish a caring and supporting mechanism within the party, so that party members have a sense of belonging, honor, and responsibility, improve the mechanism for party members to play their roles, implement party members' demonstrations, pioneer posts, volunteer services, and commitment to responsibility, and effectively promote the party's long-term commitment. The organizational infrastructure for governance is well established and consolidated.

Strengthen the combat effectiveness of party organizations, and do practical things for the masses with heart and emotion. The new era calls for new responsibilities, and new responsibilities require new actions. Party members and cadres must continue to practice the purpose of the party, always adhere to the people's interests first, the people-centered development philosophy, stand firm on the people's stand, adhere to the people's feelings, and breathe with the people. Shared destiny, do practical things for the interests of the people, always maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party, always maintain the flesh and blood ties between the party and the people, earnestly fulfill the obligations of party members, make contributions based on their own posts, and serve the people wholeheartedly, and explain with practical actions Loyalty and responsibility to the party.

Party members must give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role and the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting fortresses, always maintain their original aspirations, lead all work with party building, strengthen the cohesion, organization, and combat effectiveness of party organizations, and sincerely do practical, good, and difficult things for the masses. , put the work on the hearts of the masses, and make new and greater contributions to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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